Monday 30 April 2012

Two new paintings.

Hello all,

It's been a little while!

I've finally finished two more paintings and am currently looking into ways to sell a couple so I can start making prints.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

updates and new paintings.

It's been wonderful settling into a new city, though not without it's stresses and hardships, finances, getting lost etc.
Having a much bigger and brighter work space than I had before is really helping me to focus. That and the possibility of having some work exhibited with the hope of being sold is super motivational. I'd like to be able to make prints of my work rather than just trying to sell originals of my work which is something I've never done before so should be interesting to explore. so watch this space.


I'm working on a collection of abstracts using some of the rhythms in my life and the feeling they give me.

I've finally finished "Irrepressible weeds":

Oh and I'm part way through painting a five and a half foot unicorn mural in our house :D

Monday 20 February 2012

New Bike!!

  So, with the help of some lovely folks in Leeds I now have a new bike that between us we managed to totally transform it, below are pictures from when we first started the work (left) and afterwards (right).


New House, new work space!!

Wow!, I'm finally living in London properly now.
Ok so yes, it is right on the border between London and Hertfordshire but really it is pretty perfect :)

I live with a musician, hopefully the new surroundings and positive influence of other people doing creative faffling will give me some lightening bolt flashes of can hope :D.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

"Occupying a politics of the everyday again"

I found this really great article on London Indymedia today, just thought I'd share.

I've been reading a book called "we are everywhere" recently which follows the anti-capitalist movements across the world from the early 90s untill 2003.
The chapter I've been reading is all about using the "carnival" as a form of resistance. For weeks I've been puzzling over various ways that this spirit and mentality could be used effectively today, this article kinda says what I've been thinking in recent weeks.!!